Discussion: Communities in and around Museums: Interaction Practices and Principles

Operating in the direction of inclusion and, in a broader sense, of social justice, museums are increasingly focusing on people, seeking to establish communication and build a dialogue with various audiences. Within this vein, inclusive programs are positioned as work with communities. However, it is not always obvious what these communities are and by what criteria they unite or are being united in the practices of cultural institutions.

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The discussion brings together Russian and British culture professionals who implement projects, in one way or another, designed for different communities, such as elderly people, people with migration experience, or deaf and hard-of-hearing visitors. The conversation is set to help return to the origins—by defining the very term “community” (using versions proposed by participants) and subsequently discussing collectively the principles of interaction, who and how constructs them, whether the relationships between institutions and communities are mutually beneficial, and how they influence and change each other.


1101 день назад
18 февраля 2022 14:00–15:30

Ул. Крымский Вал, д. 9, стр. 4
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