Online presentation of Afrah Shafiq’s video game Nobody Knows for Certain

Искусство и культура 12+

Nobody Knows for Certain is a point-and-click game created as part of the eponymous research project for Garage Field Research.

In the game Nobody Knows for Certain, the artist created a unique space filled with fairy tale characters, and narrative motifs and worlds. Shafiq supplements the characters from books with her own, such as the Cat With No Tail and the Empty Matryoshka. Using the emancipatory potential of free narrative, she critically re-examines the morphology of folk tales and introduces philosophical and political dimensions to the game. 

The presentation will take place via Zoom in English with simultaneous translation to Russian in the format Let’s Play. Artist Afrah Shafiq and curator Valentin Diaconov will play the game. 


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621 день назад
20 июля 2023 19:00–21:00

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